Saturday, July 28, 2012

Some people believe that...

Some people believe that you can read future events in a cow’s intestine. Some people believe that God’s name is Nyame or Nyankopon. These people believe that he is omniscient and omnipotent. They also believe that Asase Yaha, his wife, is the goddess of fertility, and that they have two children.

But most people on earth seem to believe that, about 2000 years ago a virgin woman called Mary, miraculously conceived a son, by the agency of the Holy Spirit and that believing in him can give you eternal life after death.

Some people believe the spirit of deceased ancestors control the fortunes of their descendants.

Some people believe there can be no divine salvation or forgiveness for one's karma, since it is a purely impersonal process, a part of the make up of the universe. Some of them believe, that reciting or hearing sutras, can expunge great swathes of negative karma. Others believe the recitation of mantras can cut off previous negative karma. Some of these people believe that some of their gods are addicted to pride, boasting and bellicosity.

Some people view the Book of Mormon as actual history.
These people believe that Mormon (who lived during the 4th century AD) was visited by Jesus Christ at the age of 15… and that he engraved an abridgement of his people's history on golden plates, which were later translated by Joseph SmithJr. These people believe that the book was originally written in reformed Egyptian, a language scientists haven’t found anywhere else. These people believe that an angel, a resurrected ancient American prophet and historian, named Moroni, showed Smith where the golden plates were hidden. These people believe body piercing is bad, except for 1 hole in each ear  - for women. Some of these people believe it was a salamander, which showed the prophet where the plates were, until the texts about the salamander were proved to be a forgery.

Some people believe, that their God is responsible for weather changes. Like when he sent a tornado to punish the hierarchy of the Evangelical Lutheran Churchof America, when they voted to endorse homosexuality as a lifestyle. These people also believe that God can do whatever He wants at any time and that he has not gone on an extended vacation.

Some people believe Christ died on a stake, not a cross. They also believe that we are now, in the time of the end. That the human soul ceases to exist at death.These people also believe that Man did not evolve, but was created, and, that Satan is the invisible ruler of the world.They believe that Only a little flock of 144 000 will go to heaven and rule with Christ. It is not clear how number 144 001 is responsible for - his or her fate.

Some people think that the only true GOD spoke once and said : « Every male among you shall be circumcised. » These people believe that Prophets and prophecy exist.These people believe God knows the actions of humans. They also believe that The dead will be resurrected. They believe the Messiah will come.The people who believe the messiah has already been around, believe that the people who haven’t heard of him should really do, as they can be saved, and, have eternal life after death. If they don’t hear about him they will end up in hell - forever.

Some people believe the earth was made in 7 days. Other people believe that 7 days is a symbol.They believe that seven can be 7000 or 70000 or 700000 or  7000000 or  564 860 or whatever. It doesn’t really matter as long as you accept that it is a symbol from God who knows everything.These people also believe that God created “Adam”, the first man, before animals. And then he created “Eve”, the first woman from his rib, because Adam felt lonely. Some people believe that it is not really true, and that it its a symbol. It is not really clear what the symbol is about.

These people also believe that God had no wife but a son, Jesus, whom he sent to earth to save the people he had elected, the jews, and then, the whole planet. These people believe Jesus died to erase men’s sins. That is - if men accept him as their saviour. If they don’t understand, or agree with the story they are damned for eternity.

Some people believe that a Jew is anyone born of a Jewish mother or converted to Judaism in accord with Jewish Law. Some people believe, that a Jew who has converted to another religion is no longer a Jew. Some people believe (as described in Leviticus) that sexual intercourse between males, is an abomination  to God and is subject to capital punishment. But these people believe that courts are not authorized to administer capital punishment in the absence of a Temple in Jerusalem. Some people believe that by grasping a live chicken and moving it around one’s head three times, they symbolically transfer their  sins to the chicken. They believe that the chicken should then be slaughtered and donated to the poor, preferably eaten at the pre-Yom Kippur feast.

Some people believe that all life on Earth was created by humanoïd “extra-terrestrials”.

Some people believe they should wear no clothes, following the practice of Lord Mahavira. They do not consider themselves to be nude — they are wearing the environment. These people believe that this practice represents a refusal to give in to the body’s demands for comfort and private property. Some of them have only two possessions: a peacock feather broom and a water gourd.

Some people believe that the electronic device called “e-meter”, manufactured by the Church of Scientology, should be used to address spiritual issues.Some people believe that a human, is an immortal, alien, spiritual being, which is trapped on planet Earth in a physical body. These people believe that it has had innumerable past lives in extraterrestrial cultures.They believe that women giving birth, should remain as quiet as possible. They must not pronounce any words, and neither must the birthing staff, unless absolutely necessary. They believe that newborns are especially vulnerable to induced engrams and trauma, transmitted from their mother or acquired from their environment.

Some people believe that Men, as well as animals, have a soul, and that it is this soul, which is performing the breathing. These people believe that the sea is supporting the earth, which rests upon pillars, and covers an underworld, accessible by various entrances from the sea. These people also believe that some people are free to reappear as ghosts after death.

Some people believe that God is the most subtle matter diffuse Everywhere.

Some people believe that everything is animated by divinity. They believe The smoke of the pipe is rising up to the spirit world and that it should always be offered to the Four Directions.

Some people believe the Cosmos is an infinite multitude of Universes, that is is a physical system with no place for arbitrary non-physical entities, like the «evil». These people believe that Gods do not create the Cosmos. They believe, Gods and Goddesses, Male and Female, are acting in harmony to supervise the natural laws.

Some people believe that Haile Selassie I, the former emperor of Ethiopia, is Jah (the Rastafari name for God incarnate, from a shortened form of Jehovah), that he is part of the Holy Trinity as the messiah promised to return in the Bible. Some of them believe that Selassie is the 225th in an unbroken line of Ethiopian monarchs descended from the Biblical King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba and that the Rastafari are the true Israelites.

Some people venerate Satan as a supernatural deity when others regard Satan as merely symbolic of certain human traits. These beliefs, are now allowed in the Royal Navy of the British Armed Forces - despite much opposition.

Some people believe that there is one God, called Bondyè, the creator of the universe, a pandeist deity. They belief he is aloof from every day affairs and that they can’t contact Him for help. Subordinate to this God are the Loas, lesser deities or saints, who act as messengers between Voodoo practitioners and God. These people believe in the veneration of the dead and protection against evil witchcraft. They also believe that what you do unto another, you do unto you, because you are the other. These people believe that spirits come to visit their ceremonies, by taking possession of individuals and speaking and acting through them.

Some people believe that the Divinity is the sky, and the power of this Divinity the lightning.
These people also believe that servants should be sent into afterlife, along with the deceased chiefs.

Some people believe that they can embody a deity or an ancestor by performing distinct ritual movements or dances, that further enhance their elevated consciousness.

Some people believe, they should worship only the deities of their clan.
Although they don't deny the existence of other deities belonging to other clans.
Some people believe - there is no God but Allah. And, that Muhammad is His Prophet. They believe they should always face Mecca, in Saudi Arabia during prayer.

Their beliefs fall into six main categories, which are known as the "Articles of Faith":
* Faith in the unity of God
* Faith in angels
* Faith in prophets
* Faith in books of revelation.
* Faith in an afterlife
* Faith in destiny and divine decree
These people believe that if you reject faith, it is because God has set a seal on your heart. 
they believe that if a wife threatens to disobey her husband she should be beaten. gently beaten.
These people also believe, that the earth was created by God’s sperm, mixed with dust. It is not clear if God has a penis, if he has erections and how it functions.
Some people believe God has forbidden them to eat dead meat, blood, and the flesh of swine.
Some believe that in paradise you can have lots of virgins with modest gaze. That is if you are a man.  If you’re a woman going to paradise, you have lots of fruits, and water and wine. It’s not clear if you can get drunk on this wine, or what water is for. It is not clear if virgins hurt when they have sexual intercourse and what becomes of their virginity in relation to enternity.

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